Penny Collectors
When I first started traveling in my teens I was determined to purchase a mug as a reminder of the places I'd been. It seemed like a very utilitarian type of thing. This was not very practical to pack and I quickly changed to postcards. I have a pile of postcards that are currently being displayed in an interesting way. I'll share the outcome of this project in a later post. Our two young boys collect elongated pennies. Elongated pennies are pennies flattened and pressed with a design. It's a cheap souvenir at a mere 51 cents and usually the boys can choose their own design. They both have their own penny collector books to display their souvenirs. What is your favorite souvenir? Do you have a way of organizing or displaying your souvenirs?
Inside of passport |
i've never seen one of those before! the boys have some of those pennies and are found randomly through the house.... this is a much better idea!