
(Travel) Last Day in NYC

Marco was determined to get up early for our final day in New York. It was a bit painful, but we were out by 9 o'clock. (Don't laugh.) Our destination was the High Line. The High Line is an elevated walk over the Chelsea District. It once was a railroad track but has now been converted into a green space/board walk/art space. I'm really bad at taking pictures, but trust me when I say it was beautiful.

Bagels for breakfast and back to the hotel to pack up our luggage and store it in the hotel until we had to leave for JFK. When that was settled, we took a subway to meet Brandon at Madison Square Park for a burger at the Shake Shack. He touted this as the best burger ever. The line was immense, so I reserved judgement until I received my order. Wow. It was a juicy patty wedged between two potato buns and slathered in a tangy sauce. Just wow. Some of my best experiences in NYC were hanging out with Brandon. We walked us down to Washington Square Park where we enjoyed some live music and chatted. The parks in the city are green oasis and great public spaces to hangout. On the way back to the subway we stopped at The Strand bookstore to purchase a few books for the flight.

Friday night is a busy night to be leaving the city, but we were able to get a cab to the airport. It was a long ride.

Today the boys were up early. My body is a bit confused, but nevertheless I'm up and sipping on my first cup of coffee. 

Final thoughts: NYC was the best big city I've every visited. It was surprising how easily we could maneuver through public transit, and it was clean and safe. We all had an amazing time.

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