
(Travel) POTUS/Met/FAO Schwarz/Serendipity

Everything we did today was totally eclipsed by the fact that THE President of the United States was in town today. What are the chances of actually seeing THE President?

Our first adventure of the day began with our first trip uptown to the Met. We took a quick jaunt through Central Park luckily following a group of school children who were on a field trip to the Met. The Met is enormous, and has an overwhelming amount of things to see. You could easily spend five days in the museum. We enjoyed the Arms and Armor exhibit, the Modern and Contemporary exhibit, and the European Painters exhibit. Mateo took a picture of every Picasso the Met had displayed. I was a bit star struck by the Van Goghs. Three exhibits in five hours?!?!  It felt strange only visiting a small fraction of the museum, but the density of amazing art is a bit overwhelming.

We left the Met to take a taxi to the place they boys have been anticipating: FAO Schwarz. After visiting every boy section (definitely avoiding the girlie, pink areas of the store), the boys spent their vacation money on some Lego sets and Spy Gear. The next stop was Marco's choice. Marco and I have eaten at the Serendipity in Las Vegas a few times. They have the best. grilled. cheese. sandwich. Unfortunately, the menu in NYC is different. The food was just okay. Serendipity has a cluttered, eclectic vibe. For being another tourist attraction I was surprised at how friendly the staff was to everyone. The meal ended with two frrrrozen hot chocolates which were delicious.

A crowded subway back to midtown to rest our legs at the hotel. As we were leaving the subway we saw the streets were being blocked off, which was a bummer because both of the boys had to use the bathroom. The police were telling people that the President was driving through and that the street would be blocked for twenty minutes. The poor boys were bouncing up in down (they had to go pee), while we waited along the barricades. It didn't take long for a few hippies to show up with protest signs. There were so many police officers, dogs, and helicopters. Then the police cars started driving by, followed by black SUVs, followed by two black Lincoln Continentals with American flags and the Presidential seal. Now, it was pretty difficult to actually see through the tinted windows. But, I think that I could see the President waving. The two presidential vehicles were followed by more cars, and then it was all over. The police moved the barricades and everyone continued on their way. Just another day in New York.

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